A male friend told me that this happen because we put them in a tight corner while trying to analyze them and before we come out of our findings he would have been tired of waiting.
But what I know is that men are sexually driven toward a relationship and the woman perception are quite different..An average woman would want something to hold on to and something worthwhile.
However men will always want to begin a relationship with sex and knowing fully what makes the other person ticks and if the lady in question will be able to make him stay after their first encounter in bed or if she will make him scamper away after it.
As for me I believe what will be will be, no matter how good u are in bed,men will always have you on the grounds he intended to have you..no matter how good or bad you are in bed.The bottom line is he had satisfy himself with you.
But most woman believes sex on the first day or too soon is bad and would want to know the guy first or create some platforms in which they must be build the relationship first which is different with the men's reasoning.Some men are cool and they will wait till she has establish that sense of belonging she'd want and some will be tire of waiting and forget about her and this might enraged the woman in the long run.
Me I think that when a woman choose to be with a man she cares about,it must not necessarily because of sex or the thought that she is ready for the wham-bam thing..it might be for some other reasons best known to her.
The basic thing I want you to know here, is just be who u wanna be and if you want something go for it..time wait for no one..the time you use in building lofty ideas on the winds might actually be making another person going crazy.
Most times will do take people who cares about us for granted and true love,friendships,relationship are like boats when you miss them the first time..you might not get a chance to get on board again.I hope I'd pass a message across to you and i will like to know your opinion on this.
7 Browser(s):
Deji Ajikawo Xprexxion at 10:54pm January 16
Sex on the first date is a no no! THe guy will lose repect for the woman and just see her as a sex object. If she can give it up to me on the first date.. she is giving it up to everyone else on the first date.. so what number am I on on her sexual contact list. Respect yoursef and waite until you fully know this is the right guy. If not u will feel cheap and disrespected.
i dont encourage it either so gurls pls take the advice Dr Deji has given cos i sure agree with him
@ oris how are u? will holla u soon
would luv to let you in on my own opinion, but hey, what's your inpiration? email me then we'll talk about it...... L.O.L!
Nice piece.
A man would be a man, weather he gets it on the first night or gets it after the first year.
I have known people that would wait for a Virgin for 2 years in active relationship and after 6 months of hitting it, they are gone.
Whilst on the other hand, relationships based on a one time/first date sex propagates into a lasting relationship, even marriage.
I believe the perceptions for most Nigerian women is the problem here; they sometimes expect every relationship to result to marriage. Nigerian Guys dont think so, even if they start with promise of marriage, when they start hitting the pants, they tend to get confused.
The best remedy for a quick and fast relationship based on for the woman is - Give it once, then make him commit.
This works like a charm. Try it and you would be convinced.
Best regards,
Guess the key question is what the focus of the relationship was/is... If the dude was in it only for a bite at the cherry, at the first sniff of it, or when there is definitive proof he'll ever get it, he just bails out... afterall why "pay for the cow, when you are gettinng the milk free?"
I personally dont see any issues with sex on the first date...as u said, what will be will be...if I want to get down I do...I dont do it for him or for what he will think of me, no, I do it for myself....if i want it, I get it...
sex should be after marriage...thats is what God commanded.
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